Realtor Partners
At Building as Partners, we like to say that WE ARE YOUR CLIENTS' PATH HOME. Not everyone who wants or needs a new build wants - or can afford - the "sky's the limit" mentality of most custom builders. We work with realtors whose clients have a specific need, price point, or location that the current market just can't meet, without breaking the bank.
Current housing inventory can't always meet the needs of clients who:
Want to build on their own land
Want to live on acreage or in smaller towns with few buying options
Have large families but are on a tight budget
Have a specific location in mind, but cannot find a home with the size / features they need for their family
Have specific home features they must have in their next home, whether due to necessity or preference.
In those cases, building a new home is often the only answer to these client challenges. Building as Partners can help realtors resolve those challenges for their clients.

We recognize the crucial roles realtors can play for their clients - providing guidance for first-time buyers, helping a family prepare for financing, selling a current home, identifying and buying land that meets their needs, and much more.
Our REALTOR PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM acknowledges those contributions and recognizes that realtors provide those services even when traditional buying/selling commissions aren't available, such as when a client chooses to (or, due to circumstances, needs to) build instead of buy. When a realtor referral results in a new design-build for BAP, we offer your brokerage a commission based on the nature of the referral. Realtors who commit to providing traditional services to clients throughout the Design/Appraisal and Final Closing processes earn a commission commensurate with the current buying/selling market.